
Age of empires 3 forum
Age of empires 3 forum

age of empires 3 forum age of empires 3 forum

Over the course of the game you’ll also unlock mini-documentaries covering different topics of interest like, “How did they make all that chainmail?” and “What’s the difference between hunting with hawks versus falcons?” These asides are well-made and presented, like good extras on a top-shelf collector’s edition DVD. Between missions you’ll be treated to charming cutscenes that place each chapter of a campaign in historical context, complete with modern-day footage of the key locations overlaid with augmented-reality animations of Age of Empires IV armies pouring across car parks and sightseeing trails.

age of empires 3 forum

In their place are slickly-produced documentary-style campaigns that capture the undeniable pleasure of a pre-reality-TV History Channel marathon. The plodding narrative campaigns of Age of Empires II, with over-wrought narrations desperately trying to provide some kind of narrative tissue to simplistic “go here and kill everything” mission designs, are mercifully gone. To quote that Rob Zachny review above’s section on the campaign:

Age of empires 3 forum